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Showing posts from 2019

Artist Rambles Article 1 - Starting New Projects

Creative Process Blog 1: Sketching So If you follow me on Instagram you will have noticed an increase in sketches and drawings. I currently am attempting to make a come back as a traditional artist. I have been pushing myself really hard to increase sketches and drawing time whenever I have free time. Usually at night these days. It has been an up hill in heels battle so far and I personally do not feel like I am making any progress. I have filled two sketch books so far and will be making a new sketch book soon.  Back in high school I had tons of passion and drive, there were so many inspiring things to me I kind of kept "books" on them. Fashion magazines, movies, comics whatever I saw that was interesting would make me want to create something. When I went to college my drive changed to where music was a huge influence as well as video games. I was dead set on making everything into Silent Hill or Dir En Grey inspired and I would listen to movie sound track