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Showing posts from 2020

Changing Everything to GWC

  AAH - GWC 12/30/20 ( My cat among my clutter collectables) 2020 has taken most of everyone's patience. My patience has been taxed as well. I no longer have the enthusiasm to create work for sale and that being said I would rather focus on creating work I personally enjoy. I have come up with a list of goals for the next few years. I do not make New Year resolutions however it has occurred to me that goals are very important and without goals there is very little to want for in life as life is very short.  Here is my list - we will see how well I can keep it. Write a Story Make a Game Figure out how to use World Anvil Design character items and props Design characters design a world for the characters Use more stickers Paint/ draw more I dont know if this is too much or too little but right now this is enough. I wonder what everyone else is doing and planning this year coming up.  e

Project Share: Pink Carousel Clouds

AAH - Carousel Clouds Brooch 1/28/20 -Accessories/Jewelry/Lolita/Pastel Introducing my latest creations.  My plaster castings follow the same process for each piece. First I prep my plaster. I use DAP brand Plaster of Paris which is basic and not expensive, you mix it with water to activate. Once mixed I pour into hard plastic molds. There are flexible molds for plaster but usually the less flexible molds assist in the curing of the plaster for an even structure through out the cast.  Making plaster castings is hit or miss. Most of them suffer some sort of damage when taking the casts out of the mold. Damages range from cracks and fissures to straight up broken fragments. Dealing with these issues is part of the process and can become a learning experience so it is best to take on these tasks with enthusiasm. Building experience with the medium will make creating these items more enjoyable and less frustrating over time.  e

Why You Should Use Model Magic Air Dry Clay

AAH - How I use Model Magic. 10/11/19 - Selling Art/Making Art/Creative Process/How to Over the years a common review of my videos brings up the material I love the most. Model Magic is a modeling clay So many people over the years have asked questions about using this clay that I have come up with some popular questions and answers.  Q: What is Model Magic? Glancing at this packing you might think this will too child oriented for any practical use and to a degree this is correct. Using the clay straight from the package leads to major problems such as uneven texture and drying or worse cracking.  Q. How do I fix texture and cracking? To remedy this I use a spritzer bottle filled with water to spray my clay as I am sculpting to keep it hydrated. I will also keep some in a plastic zip-lock bag and spray water in when it begins to dry. By controlling the hydration of the clay it allows for the clay to dry evenly and when it has fully dried (about 4 days on av