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Showing posts from December, 2020

Changing Everything to GWC

  AAH - GWC 12/30/20 ( My cat among my clutter collectables) 2020 has taken most of everyone's patience. My patience has been taxed as well. I no longer have the enthusiasm to create work for sale and that being said I would rather focus on creating work I personally enjoy. I have come up with a list of goals for the next few years. I do not make New Year resolutions however it has occurred to me that goals are very important and without goals there is very little to want for in life as life is very short.  Here is my list - we will see how well I can keep it. Write a Story Make a Game Figure out how to use World Anvil Design character items and props Design characters design a world for the characters Use more stickers Paint/ draw more I dont know if this is too much or too little but right now this is enough. I wonder what everyone else is doing and planning this year coming up.  e