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Showing posts from October, 2018

Pastel Cup Cake Rings

Pastel Cupcake Rings Hi everyone in this post I am showing off some of my pastel cupcake rings. I used model magic and tinted white clay with pastel craft store paint. There are so many cheap paints to choose from I did not worry about quality. The cupcake bottoms were made with a FuwaFuwa mold (i think) or Padico. The cookies were made with a Padico mold for certain. I love making these and am currently brain storming a plan to have these up for sale.  So this is how I work the cupcakes out and its a process, it usually takes a few days for the clay to dry and I like to work out the colors before hand. Going forward I think I need to plan out how many colors I plan on using because sometimes I was left with more brown wafers and less mint wafers or more mint cookies and less strawberry cookies. As you can see there are all these orange pieces to the right of the screen. I really didnt know why I made them and honestly I did not use them at all except where

EGL Resin Coffins

So two months ago I started on a trip down resin road and I have not yet come back. I really love making coffins specifically. I like geometric shapes and am working on building a collection of molds in various shapes like triangles, hexagons, squares ect. These are just 6 of the designs Ive come up with, if you want to see more designs follow me on instagram: glitter_witch_crafts I have been working on a method for design and how to make a composition. So far I've worked out a plan to make these work.  First off I am using a mold from Sophie and Toffee and its a good mold. There are replicas on ebay and amazon. At this moment I am looking for smaller coffin molds to make daintier charms but cannot find any, now Sophie & Toffee are coming out with another coffin shape mold but I would have to subscribe to get it and I am not looking to take this subscription again. I liked getting the different molds but alot of them I just dont use so I have ventured out to look

#Inktober 2018 1 week recap

Hi everyone welcome to my Inktober for 2018. This year I have tried to make more of an effort to have a complete idea. My goal is to develop a method for creating a complete idea. I do not always think through my drawings and often times end up with an unfinished sketch or rough idea. So this year I have been making the effort to go forward until a drawing is finished. I'm not looking to make 31 drawings just 31 post to my social media. The posts will be in various stages of development because I need to work on creating a complete idea. I used to hate making a solid composition and purposely wanted an unfinished idea but now that I'm older I see how truly unfinished my work looked, it just wasn't complete. So now I'm working on what  complete means to me and what I consider a complete piece. If you want to see all of the photos from Inktober 2018 please look at my instagram Glitter_Witch_Crafts to see how everything turned out. This was my first post for the